Well for all of the pawrents out there, You might own a cat but there are still some fun facts about them that you do not know yet. Cats have always been the most adorable creatures that ever existed. They reflect royalty from the way they walk, purr, and love. They have their own ways of showing us love and affinity. So, here are some crazy facts about cats. Let’s have a look.

1. Cats can’t taste sweets

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

Isn’t it crazy the way our cat licks the ice cream We think that she/he might love it but actually, they can’t taste it. Cats have about 473 taste buds which is far fewer than us humans. We have 9000 and dogs have 1700 taste buds. Cats can taste bitter, salty, and sour flavors but eventually can’t taste sweets.

2. Cats’ whiskers are as sensitive as human fingerprints.

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

Whiskers are located on a cat’s face to provide sensory equipment to help guide a cat through the day, they are like antennae on insects. Most cats have 12 whiskers arranged in four rows on each cheek. This part of the cat’s face contains small glands that smell like your cat. They are very sensitive and rubbing their face, provides them instant pleasure that’s why they love to rub their face.

3. Cats mark their territory by scratching the furniture

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

While walking with those cute little feet, cats have tiny scent glands on those paws and when they scratch a table or something, they leave their smell or mark on it for the other cats to know that ‘This table is mine and the people living in this house are mine too, so stay away’. So, you might not like having scratch marks but it is your cat’s way to show love and affection to you.

4. Cats are nearsighted

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

Cats are more nearsighted than humans because their eyes are so large and placed so forward on their face so clearly they can’t focus on anything less than 1 foot in front of them. That’s where we have to thank the whiskers on their face, when they swing the whiskers they can feel the thing or human in front of them. Exquisite eyes but not so well working but still adorable.

5. Cats have great vision in dark

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

In the previous point, we have got to know about the nearsightedness of cats which is why they make up for this vulnerability by having excellent vision in the dark. Cats have rods (extra dark specialized cells) and tapetum (reflective mirror) in the back of the eye. All these features work together so that cats can see light at eight times dimmer illumination than we can.

6. Cats purr to show their happiness

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

We all love it when our best friend/baby/our cat purrs in our lap. Most of the time when they purr it is because they are content or happy. It is actually their way of communicating. When an owner pats his cat, they return the nice gesture by purring, showing their pleasure.

7. 15 years of human life is as same as 1 year of a cat

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

You all might have understood this point. As we know Cats live a short amount of time and die leaving their owner alone for the rest of their lives. But, we live our half of life with them, loving them, patting them, caring for them. Hence, One year of a cat’s life is equal to 15 years of our life.

8. cats are musical creatures

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

Seems weird but it is true. Cats are musical little living beings. We have heard birds making different noises. But we should know that cats can make up to 100 sounds while dogs can make 10 sounds. Didn’t know our scratching creature could also be musical.

9. cats are similar to tigers

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

Yeah, we all know about this but we do not know the specifics. According to a study, our little house creature, our cat, shares around 95.6 percent of the genetics of tigers. They also have the same behaviors as tigers like urine marking, leaving scent, prey stalking, and many more.

10. A cat traveled to space

 Top 10 interesting facts about cats

We have heard about dogs, and monkeys going to space. But, Did you know a cat also dared to experience space’s atmosphere? On October, 18th 1963, A cat called Felicite(Astrocat) was the first and only cat to travel to space.

Read Also: A mother leopard helps her cubs cross the road, the video is interesting.

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