What comes to mind when you think of birds? Like most people, you probably have an image in your head of a gentle songbird singing sweet melodies to its friend.
While this is a common stereotype, there are other species that have one distinctive quality – they can produce some of the loudest animal sounds on earth. This article is dedicated to one such bird that stands out among the rest of its feathered friends.
With its bright white appearance and long feathery wattle, it stands out against the forest green and ensures that you won’t miss it because it is the loudest of the group. Of course, this is a bit relevant for some people.
The Whitebell is a bold creature with a powerful song. Its distinctive call is so loud that it can drown out the singing of other birds in the area.
The white bell has a small tuft of feathers hanging from its beak like a beard, but it does not attract much attention from spectators. This is because its call makes it one of nature’s greatest mysteries.
Let’s take a journey to the part of the world that this creature calls home. Keep reading to learn more amazing facts that make this bird one of the wonders of the animal kingdom.
The Majestic White Bellbird (Procnias albus).

The White Bellbird is one of the four species of the genus Procnias and is a member of the Cotinga family.

The White Bellbird is so distinctive that you wouldn’t confuse it for anything else if you were to come across it.
Males are snow-white in appearance and have a black beak with a long black beard, sparsely covered in the same snow-white feathers as the rest of the bird. This wattle hangs from the top of the beak and usually hangs down the right side.
The female Bellbird has a different appearance from the male.

Females are drably dressed in olive color with yellow-looking streaks on their bellies.
How loud is the White Bellbird?

The White Bell has the most powerful song of any bird ever recorded. In the larynx of these creatures, scientists have discovered a special organ attached to it, called the syrinx, which allows them to make deafening sounds that can be heard hundreds of miles away.
According to CNN;
The male white bellbird may be the loudest bird ever recorded, according to findings published in the journal Current Biology. Its volume peaks at 125 decibels, which is the level at which pain begins, according to a Yale University Environmental Health and Safety brochure. To a human, this peculiar scream would sound louder than a jackhammer or an eight-lane highway.
The Guianas is home to the vast majority of these birds, with smaller numbers found in Venezuela and the Brazilian state of Pará.

It’s well-known that only the female takes care of the nest and hatchlings. The mother sticks to a strict fruit diet for her hatchlings.

According to available data, the White Bellbird population is stable. However, deforestation may contribute to a decline in the future.

Listen to the world’s loudest bird (This is recorded at a safe distance. At full power, the noise could be harmful to humans.)
Overall, the White Bell is a real sensation, both for its appearance and the noise it makes. It is one of nature’s most impressive creatures and a perfect example of why we should care for our wildlife.
Have you ever seen one like this? What about this bird impresses or fascinates you, Let us know about it in the comments!
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