Do you believe in the friendship between humans and wild bears? Some people may think that it only happens in fairy books but it exists, logo. A Russian couple adopted a homeless bear cub 23 years ago and have been living with the giant ever since.

Svetlana and Yuri Pantelinko adopted Stephen when he was only 3 months old. The poor boy was initially spotted and rescued by hunters in the jungle. Stepan was in a terrible condition at the time. He urged the couple to take the bear cub inside and give it home.

It’s been 23 years since he offered a family to a baby bear without a mother. Stepan has grown to be a big bear of 300lb and 7 feet.

Some people may be afraid of its nature and shape. But Stepan the bear turned out to be loving and cute. He likes to hug and his people.

Furthermore, the bear never hurt the people around him. He really enjoys living with humans. Stepan also helps his man with household chores such as watering plants.

He loves people and is a sociable bear – no matter what people think, he’s not aggressive at all. We have never been bitten by a steppe.

One of the bear’s hobbies is watching TV with his mother and father. And he never hesitates to ask her to hug him.

Stepan doesn’t like anything more than watching TV with us on the couch at night.
Stepan eats a lot. He eats 25 kg of fish, eggs and vegetables every day. Her favorite treat of all time is a can of condensed milk.

Interestingly, the bear likes to roam. She enjoys playing football and acting as a model for movies and photo shoots.

“He’s got so many talents and loves a picnic.
H/T: Boredpanda
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