Being an albino is a rare case. Seeing albino animals in the wild is even more difficult. Take the albino white-tailed deer, for example. For decades, people have been fascinated by their rare appearance in forests, meadows, or mountains.
The first reason is that the chance of being born an albino deer is 1 in 20,000. Moreover, it is difficult for albino deer to survive to adulthood because they are often weaker than normal deer. Their solid white color even separates them from their natural origins, making them more vulnerable to attack by predators.

However, Boulder Junction in Wisconsin is becoming a popular destination for any tourist who likes to see wild albino deer with their own eyes. People can see these animals living in herds and take photographs of them.

Experts and biologists still cannot explain the incredible number of these “ghost deer” found in the area.
But the locals care so much about the mysterious herds of white deer. They try not to interfere in the lives of their population and not cause harm to them.

Hunters are prohibited from stalking and hunting these animals to promote their high population.

See more photos below. These photos are courtesy of photographer Jeff Richter, who published his collection of white deer taken in the region. You can find out more about the book here.

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