Two decades ago, in the early 2000s, our lives were completely different than they are today. We dressed and acted differently and had the strangest-looking objects. It was indeed a particularly interesting time and we miss many things from that era, especially music and television.

Looking at some of your old photos will probably make you cringe: the way we dressed was definitely a crime against humanity.

Feeling nostalgic? If you want to go back to the early 2000s, the memes below are just what you need. You’ll cringe and feel nostalgic at the same time.

1. It was just a simulation

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


2. Try again, sweet

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


3. It’s not his fault

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


4. My eyes are burning

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


5. What were they even thinking

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


6. As long as it sounds good

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


7. He doesn’t age

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


8. This is depressing

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


9. Making mixtapes was the bomb

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


10. Jesus Christ…

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


11. That looks so gross

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


12. Angrily slamming your flip phone shut was also fun

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


13. Typical American girls back then

Memes will only be understood by those who remember the early 2000s


14. R.I.P

15. The Grind on MTV



Read Also: Hear the loudest bird call in the world, rivaling even a jet engine.

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